Keeping the Vision fresh
Suggestion: To maintain your focus read the entire page first before going to the links. Thank you.
Keeping the Vision Fresh!
Surefooted Ministries (S.F.M.)
Royal Prayer Guards (R.P.G.)

Pastor Vince Marino
1. Keeping the vision fresh!
2. Stay in touch with Pastor Vince Marino through the website and social media platforms!
3. Purpose of the website!
4. Surefooted Ministries Spiritual Grocery! Click here.
5. Available materials/resources!
6. Click here. Prayer Focuses
With the 2009 launch of Surefooted Ministries’ website, I want to take a moment and recapture again the big picture for all of our members and new users, so to confirm the vision you have chosen to be a part of.
At first, we started with two websites "Surefooted Ministries" and "Royal Prayer Guards".
However, in June 2016 we launched a new all-in-one website. Therefore there are two home pages for this website, Surefooted Ministries and Royal Prayer Guards.
The S.F.M. part is based on diligent and effective training and the R.P.G. part of the website is based on strategic prayer.
Everyone who is enlisted in Royal Prayer Guards (RPGs) carries the vision of both S.F.M. and R.P.G.'s since Surefooted Ministries is the foundation from which the Royal Prayer Guards’ mission stems.
Therefore I encourage all of you to stay in touch with Pastor Marino and the website to maintain the flavor and keep the vision fresh.
We all know (or are learning) that God is the only one with the healing, answers, and provisions that will truly satisfy.
Therefore our goal for all areas of the website is to motivate believers and channel them into prayer and diligent and effective training, for their sake and for those around them who are hurting, searching or have a need.
I would challenge you to explore all of the available links, as there may be one that offers the inspiration or direction you or someone else needs.
In addition, there is plenty of spiritual food, encouragement, instructions, and direction for everyone to enjoy.
We offer an uncompromising full gospel message and prayer for all those who connect with us.
We also provide rich spiritual food on social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, GodTube, Vimeo, and Spotify. Click here for our home page.

Thank you,
Pastor Vince Marino
Surefooted Ministries
Royal Prayer Guards